Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Writing Ideas

Are you having trouble coming up with ideas to write about? Does it just seem like you can't write anything? Do you think your ideas are horrible?

Have no fear!!!!

Your ideas are not horrible. Trust me. I thought so too until I let other people read what I was writing and they absolutely loved it. So keep it up!!

If you can't come up with ideas, here are some tips that should help you get started:

  1. Write about the first topic that comes to your mind - it doesn't really matter how random it is
  2. Take a favorite fairy tale or myth and add your own twist to it
  3. Combine several of your favorite stories to create a new one of your own
  4. Ask other people for ideas about a story that they would like to see written
  5. Take your favorite genre of writing and just start writing about it - pretty soon you will come up with an interesting story to tell
 If you have any more ideas that you would like to share, please do in the comments. I hope this helps!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Inspiration from Scriptures

Going off of what Abby said, using the scriptures as an inspiration for stories: she is absolutely right!
I love the scriptures and they have some of the best stories in there (of course)!  The story of Ammon who refused to be King, Nephi leaving behind everything he knew, a young girl who would become the Mother of Christ, Daniel being taken from his homeland, a young man betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, of course Captain Moroni, the story of a boy who became converted by angels (okay, there are a few: Paul, Alma).
If you look back those are some fantastic ideas!  Another fun thing I learned with my history curriculum (Tapestry of Grace) is the settings where these stories happened.  I had entered late so I only read about the Romans, but it was amazing to learn what it was like during Jesus' day!

TOG is also very Christian and they believe in the Trinity; it was interesting to see how our religions were different in some ways yet still the same in others!

Anyway, with seminary being about the Book of Mormon this year, I have been inspired to write about Nephi's 'sister', a story about Ammon, Joseph in Egypt, ect.  Just great stories and great characters with great depth.  :)
