Friday, August 30, 2013

No Ideas?

If you can't find anything to write, don't stress about it. I've made the mistake of doing this, and feeling upset that I never have ideas when I'm in a "writing mood". It doesn't help to come down hard on yourself. The best thing to do at a time like this is to open your eyes, literally. Open them up wide--just not so wide you look creepy--as you think, "I'm not going to let this bug me, I'm going to be happy anyway." When you think think this, imagine the light appearing in your eyes, and I promise that it appears. This won't help you have new story ideas, but it changes your attitude about the whole thing so that now you enjoy this moment.

Another thing you could do is let yourself be inspired by what's going on around you. For example, say there's a huge storm outside. You get this picture in your head of a girl hugging herself and walking through the forest as the rain cascades in torrents, soaking her to the bone, her dark wet hair clinging to her face. Or maybe the picture you get is a young girl with her little brother, huddled at the back of a medium-sized cave as the storm thunders outside, chilling them so that they shiver. Or maybe it's a warm thunderstorm. Maybe it's a dry thunderstorm with dangerous lightning that sparks a fire.

Those are just a few of the many things you can do to help you get back into that "writing mood". Write away!

1 comment:

  1. That was great! Really a good idea. I know what you mean, you get in that writing mood and then have nothing to write, not a good feeling. I bet this will help!
