Saturday, August 31, 2013


Here's just a little bit of the story I'm working on. I just started it a week or so ago. I don't think it will end up being very long. It's the one based on the Book of Mormon . . . :)

Chapter One

Renethin gazed down upon the destruction which stretched below him as far as his eyes could penetrate the enshrouding mists. The battle had ended only moments ago as the last soldier had fallen, whether dead or only wounded, he knew not. The silence which followed was almost more deafening than was the uproar of bloodshed. Deep sorrow entered his heart as he painfully contemplated how many of these men, either dead or dying, had wives, children, mothers and fathers of their own, and how they would never return.

Wrenching his eyes from the desolation, Renethin flicked the reins and his faithful horse, Dulnar, obediently turned away and slowly walked over the hills on the path they both so well knew from the days of peace.

As the sun rose higher in the morning sky, the fog lessened, and Renethin was able to see clearly once again. The hills were no longer rolling, but rather looked as if a giant had simply thrown the earth casually in a heap upon the ground. The land was barren. Only the stray cluster of weeds lived here among the stones and ground trampled by the hooves of thousands of horses and the feet of thousands of men.

“Dulnar, do you remember how beautiful this once was?” Renethin said softly, his voice almost inaudible in his remorse. The white mare nodded slightly. Despite everything, Renethin smiled. Dulnar was his most loyal friend, who, though a horse, had been through almost everything with him. Suddenly the area no longer seemed so desolate, so dreary.

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